• Home Inspector M.D. Premium Reports

      Fast Delivery

    We provide 24-hour or less delivery of your report after the in-home inspection is completed. 


      High-Quality Photos with Illustrations

    So many home inspection reports have photos, but when you want to look at it closer in the PDF report and zoom in, it's a blurry mess. Our photos in the reports will only have high-resolution photos so you can zoom in and get a better look. Want an even closer look? We store all the original photos, just request a photo you want. 
    When it comes to making a point, a good illustration makes a world of difference. We include useful illustrations when needed to clearly show you issues and solutions. All photos will POINT/HIGHLIGHT the issue. Many other reports just show you a photo and not SHOW you where the issue is.


      Videos: A video is worth a thousand photos

    If we find an issue that warrants a video to provide a better and broader context, such as a drone flyby of the roof, we will provide you with private YouTube links available in the report. 


     Super Easy Navigation

    Sometimes reports can be 30, 40 or even 60+ pages long. You can easily get lost in these reports. You just can't get lost in our (Horizon) colour-coded tab reports. Tabs of each system are always present at the top of each page, so you are never lost. Click on the system you want, and go directly to it. The system is always highlighted so you know where you are at all times.


     Clean, Clear Reports Structure

    For quick reference, the beginning of the report will have a summary of the more significant conditions found during the inspection. 

    Each system section will begin with a detailed DESCRIPTION. This will provide specifications on some of your components, such as the water heater, furnace, and electrical panel. This is useful for future renovations or upgrades.

    The heart of your home inspection report is the OBSERVATIONS. Here, we will report on each issue we find with possible recommendations. Each condition will have a photo with captions pointing directly to the issue. Some conditions will also have illustrations to provide additional information.

    • Condition: description of the issue found. This can be safety issues, missing parts, a system installed incorrectly, a defect in the system, or damage.
    • Implication(s): what impact on the house does the condition have? Could it lead to water leakage, a fire hazard, a safety issue, or a structural problem? 
    • Recommendation/Task: Provide recommendations on what can be done to solve the condition found. 

    The report will also provide you with home maintenance and safety tips. Just like you must take care of your health and body, you must also take care of your home. Good preventative maintenance is an effective way to protect your investment and help make systems last longer. Our home inspection reports include a section near the end called OUR ADVICE, ideas to help make sure that your home continues to be safe, comfortable, and efficient.

    At the end of the report is our section called INFRARED. This section shows the results of our IR thermal inspection of the house. 

      Free Home Reference (maintenance) book

    As a bonus, every report provides each client with an online PDF version of the “Home Reference Book” by Carson Dunlop for FREE as part of the inspection report. This encyclopedia of homes provides a comprehensive look into all your components and systems of the home. It is over 460 pages of online information, with colour illustrations of systems and components.

  • A complete walk-through on a typical home inspection report.

  • Home Inspection Walk-Through

    View our walk-through of a typical home inspection report. 

    Sample Report

    Your home inspection will include an easy-to-read, thorough, and easy-to-navigate report. The report uses the highly-rated Horizon Inspection Software made by Carson Dunlop. See for yourself and download the sample report.

  • Report FAQ

  • Contact Us!

    Call us today at 416-275-5808 Or book your inspection online:

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